Welcome to Confident Hannah

An inspiration blog for career women and others who want to live their life to the fullest. Core message of this blog is: don't ever let anyone tell you who you are, own your life, or decide what you can or can't accomplish! Live your life, live your dream.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Good Start

I am starting this blog as I myself need a new start. I have had a long career with the same company for many years now. Well, the company has changed - through acquisitions and growth - so it feels like many different companies. But really it has been the same. The same technology. The same conflicts, just different people and different magnitudes.

I tried quite a few different roles. Worked with different people and various products. Worked on different continents. I would claim I have gone from a rookie to a pretty experienced person with a career that many of my friends from back home admire (or envy?). I don't feel like I am bragging, as I have deserved every inch of my working success. On my way I have met many challenges. But I want to feel like I can say with pride and no judgement from others that I am capable and accomplished. That I in some areas and by many people would be seen as a very successful lady.

However, it always feels strange to say this. Why? When I started questioning the reason, I ended up with the answer that it is because I have never been allowed to feel really really good about what I do. More is always expected. There is not much slack given. Or much cred.

I know that me, as many of my female friends, am in great need of acknowledgement and encourragement. I would love to state that we all need this, but I fail to see that is the shown reality. I see that women tend to need the verbal connection and reinforcement more.

And maybe this is the reason, or one of the many reasons and observations, to why I am starting this blog. I want to encourrage women out there that they can do it. You can do whatever you want. You are capable. It is only your own reinforced thoughts and fears that are limiting. Old patterns from traditional roles and expectations. From a male dominated social structure, that has been influenced by male thinking.

And don't get me wrong here. I am not saying male thinking is wrong in any way. I am just stating it is different. Based on valid biological differences. And hence the thought processes are different. The structures out there in the working place have mainly been constructed by male thought process. And that is why it sometimes feels so hard tough and impossible or unfair. Because it is a missmatch.

I suggest we create this blog together. To build better confidence in that we are not alone in our sometimes despair like feelings and situations. There are so many others who have felt the same hopelessness and fear or inequality. I hope you are with me on this. I want to make a difference. I want to make a new start. I want to make you believe, as I do believe, that you can do it!

You can do it.

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