Welcome to Confident Hannah

An inspiration blog for career women and others who want to live their life to the fullest. Core message of this blog is: don't ever let anyone tell you who you are, own your life, or decide what you can or can't accomplish! Live your life, live your dream.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Top List

I got the question a week ago: What are your best career tips? The question was asked by an intern at our company. I gave the advise of always networking, select a few mentors, try different assignments, and focus on growth/learning, but when I came home later that day, I decided to really think it through. And here they are, my top five list:

1. Choose your manager - if the current one does not help you grow or see you/your contributions, try to present your achievements to another manager, or the manager one step above... If this is not possible, it is time to seriously consider changing jobs. If the manager does not see you, listen to you, or acknowledge your contributions as well as needs, how will you ever grow and learn in this position?

2. Never believe "it is the way it is" or "there is nothing we can do" or "because this is the way we have always done it". Believe me when I say: there is _always_ another way! Don't let other people tell you what you can or can't do. Don't let other people's fears, failure, or limitations limit what you want to do or your creativity. Yes, you should listen to experience and advice. But if I had followed the rules or listened to the "what if this happens if you do that" or "you can't do that", then I would never have been where I am today.

3. Focus on what you are good at - that will lead to excellent results and good self esteem. You can practise on your weaknesses outside the spotlight, but always present what you did great (and absolutely no excuses for yourself!) Seriously, too many people work on improving their "improvement areas", but do you see many successful people focused on their weak sides?

4. Believe that you are worth more!! Don't ever compromise on your integrity. I have lost some really good deals and negotiations the few times I have doubted myself. Never ever compromise on your self-worth! You are worth it. And more!

5. Choose words like "I want to develop" or "I am ready for new challenges" in your performance evaluation discussions - that will signal you are ready for a promotion or new assignments. Much more effective than to for instance hint that you have other offers or that you are not happy in your situation... Paint the vision, and the vision will become true.

And then a bonus principle I have taken with me from one of my mentors:

"You either win or you learn."

Feel free to add your own career tips to this blog entry.


  1. Also - be patient! If you want somewhere - you can always take you there, just take one step at a time. It is very important to understand that we can take control of our own destiny.

    Do not measure your success with only your wins, consider how you deal with your losses. Do not only focus on the path ahead, but look at the journey you have taken. Do not forget what you can do, what you have learnt so far.

    That was just some thoughts that I had! Great blogg and great tips btw :-)

  2. Very good additions. Thanks "one step at a time", I appreciate your wise comment and your encourragements! And thanks for reading my blog. :)
