Welcome to Confident Hannah

An inspiration blog for career women and others who want to live their life to the fullest. Core message of this blog is: don't ever let anyone tell you who you are, own your life, or decide what you can or can't accomplish! Live your life, live your dream.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Woman's Worth

Today I want to write about Lilly, or rather so many women like Lilly. She is a middle-aged beautiful sparkling woman I met at a festival last weekend. I had gone there with a couple of my friends, and we shared the same camping area. Today's blog will focus on women's self worth. In any relationships.

Lilly's story starts with her coming out of a really bad relationship. Frankly speaking, it sounded like a pretty abusive kind. To me that meant that she probably had been broken down over a longer period of time, and hit the bottom, but found an inch of self strength somewhere deep down and broken away. Congrat's to Lilly for that.

Not all women has this horrible experience, but many women still end up in a similar situation to where Lilly was when I met her a few days ago. Instead of seeing a single, strong, amazing, independent woman, these women are looking at themselves in the mirror as lonely, weak, and non-attractive "left overs". They basically stare at themselves with exagerated critical judgement. Feeling that not many chances will come their way anymore. In other words, they think they are not worth much on the market anymore.

This observation always makes me so sad. And furious. Lilly (and other women like her) is a beautiful woman. With a sparkling smile and personality. A giggling heart that one can easily fall in love with. And still she does not see this herself.

Why are the self-esteem dependent on the attention of a man for these women? Why is everything they seem to care and talk about how this and that man may or may not be interested in them or what these men think of them? And why are so many of these broken women often involved with married men (a.k.a. cheating jerks)? I so wished there was a light-bulb I could switch on for them. A light that would show them that they are amazing just as they are. That they don't need a man to confirm that for them.

These women fall over and over again for the wrong kind of men. Men that like the chase, the easy going, the smooth talking, the casual sex, and the non-commitment. Men that can make these women feel attractive - in their desperation for confirmation - for just a short while. The men that in the end treat them as they feel: with no worth.

To all Lilly-women out there, I would like to ask:
1) Why is your self esteem in the power and control of someone else? Wouldn't you want to own your own self-esteem?
2) Would you really want to be with a man that doesn't love you for all the amazing things that you are and are capable of?
3) Would you really like to settle with someone who can't understand how to treat you with respect?

If you want to change your life, I have the first step for you. It is very easy. I know you can do this!

Say to yourself in the mirror (loud and clear) every morning: "I am worth everything good in this world. I am beautiful. I am strong. I am capable. And I am (with no hesitation) worth to be treated with respect."

Use this as a mantra. Listen to your own voice growing stronger every day. Until you hear it. Until you feel it. Until you wake up one morning and see the light that helps you clearly distinguish between jerks and respectful gentlemen.

A real man would never treat a woman disrespectfully. Love starts with trust and respect. If you can't trust a guy and he can't respect you or you can't respect him, your relationship will never enable love. Just a distructive attraction or self-eliminating painful crush. YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER!

Lilly wasn't the only one. There were at least four other women I talked to (only during this event) that had ended up in really bad relationships. And I am not blaming the men here. I ask of any person to stand up for themselves and ask for respect. Don't accept lies. Don't accept cheating. Don't accept disrespectful behavior. Ever. It will eat your self-esteem and your worth.

You are worth everything in this world. You deserve respect. EVERYONE does.

1 comment:

  1. And if you are in need to convert this into a pure career advise, then do the same mantra treatment but with your working role in mind:

    "I am sharp. I am capable. I know what decisions to make. I will succeed today."

    Until you hear it, feel it, and believe it. Every day. Very easy. You can do it.
