Welcome to Confident Hannah

An inspiration blog for career women and others who want to live their life to the fullest. Core message of this blog is: don't ever let anyone tell you who you are, own your life, or decide what you can or can't accomplish! Live your life, live your dream.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Attitude is Key

I read recently in a newsletter produced by Nova 100 (http://www.nova100.de/) about attitude making all the difference. Since I agree with much said in that newsletter, I wanted to highlight the consensus here:

"It doesn't matter how intelligent, creative, or experienced you are, not really, it is the attitude that makes the difference."

This is true for so many situations. However, I would weigh in that intelligence and creativity are good additions to your merit list, as well as experience. I would also very many times look at motivation level and service mindedness - especially for roles closer to the customer base.

But I do agree with that attitude is key. If you think you are the best and most brilliant engineer in the world that has ever existed - that may be true - but if your attitude is not cooperative, sharing, and helping others, well then you wouldn't be much of an asset for any company that plans to scale. And you may be the most savvy sales person in the world, and really gets the money, but if you don't really care about your customers and how they progress over time, there will be no long-term relationships and scale for a company, and you wouldn't get my recommendations.

The attitude on how to tackle difficult times, as well as difficult problems. The attitude around everyday conflicts in a relationship. The attitude towards change and life adventures. The attitude towards loss and pain.

It is said that life is 10% interesting events and 90% around how you face and handle these events. I think I agree. It is some key analysis to be made for people who keep on viewing the world with dark shades. I am not saying you need to become Mr or Mrs perky super-optimistic. I am just encouraging to ALLOW and to EMBRACE. And to LET GO. The people I have met in my path that are the easiest to work with, the most appreciated friends and colleagues, and the people that are the strongest leaders that help people grow around them, are the ones with an attitude that views the world realistically: for what it is, but then makes the most out of it.

Let your attitude make your life easier, as it is difficult enough as it is.

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