Welcome to Confident Hannah

An inspiration blog for career women and others who want to live their life to the fullest. Core message of this blog is: don't ever let anyone tell you who you are, own your life, or decide what you can or can't accomplish! Live your life, live your dream.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Create Your Own Wheels

If I had followed all the rules. If I had listened to all "good advise" that I have been given. If I had gone the safe paths that others had tried before me, showing on "this is how you do it" solutions. If I had done that more in my life, then I would never have learned as much, succeeded with as much, and advanced before my peers as much as I have today. I wouldn't have grown as much as I have either.

I am not saying you should reinvent the wheel, I am saying you should invent your own wheels in your shapes and forms and designs. I am saying you should find new ways to use old wheels. You should dare questioning why to use wheels at all. And you should create new wheels where there are none or where the wheels in place do not fit YOUR GROWTH PATH.

We are all individuals. We are all different. Who says we all learn and progress the same way? We all need our own path. Our own wheels.

People may have viewed me as "complicated", "difficult", "emotional", "stubborn", or "dramatic" at times. Well, I choose my own world, my own rules, my own limitations and values. I chose my own glasses to view the world through, and in my world the whole world CAN BE WRONG. Even if things have been proven before, it doesn't mean they are still true. And just because some people have decided it is best for them in their context to do certain things in a specific way, it doesn't mean you have to follow the same pattern. Maybe it doesn't fit who you are or who you want to be. You have the right - and every human being does own this right - to define who you are and what values you want to stick by. There are consequences of your choices, yes, but at least you own them if you have not let anyone else force you to become the person you are.

It is YOUR LIFE and YOUR CHOICES. There are NO RULES that you have to follow because someone says so or because someone else is limited by fear. The only entity - really - that you have to account to is yourself. You are your values and the consequences of your actions. Of course not excluding owning up to the responsibility of your actions.

Choose who you want to be. Choose your values. Live by them every day. And let no one else define your rules.

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