Welcome to Confident Hannah

An inspiration blog for career women and others who want to live their life to the fullest. Core message of this blog is: don't ever let anyone tell you who you are, own your life, or decide what you can or can't accomplish! Live your life, live your dream.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Invisible Umbrella

When I was in the beginning of my career I often took comments very seriously. Very personally. I remember that each day was important to me. Every meeting had an impact on my self-esteem. I was right out of school and thought there was so many rights and wrongs. It was a never ending process of judging myself based on reactions and interaction with others.

Gosh that was soooo energy-consuming. I am glad that I have found my way out of that, although I still feel it from time to time when interacting with new teams. I don't let myself get consumed by it anymore. Note to self: proud of that.

After an all-day meeting yesterday with company executives, I let the thought linguer in my head for a while, how I got to a place where I feel comfortable asking "stupid questions" and showing where I am vounorable. My best guesses are as follows:

  1. Time, maturity, and experience. Yes. Of course. But that won't probably help others out there in a current situation. But please know that it gets better with time.
  2. The no asshole rule - a book that helped giving me the key thought to use when someone is yelling my ears off - very unprofessionnally - for something that I did or did not do. These days I can think: "what an asshole...and that their behavior and incompetent communication skills are his or her problems to deal with". And since I do not let it affect me (yes, I AM IN CHARGE of deciding if it will take from my energy or not) I can these days reply with calm voice: "You don't need to talk to me this way. It is in my opinion very unprofessional. Why don't you come back when you are ready to behave respectfully, and I will listen to you then." It has certainly taken the edge of many situations.
  3. Confront bad behavior immediately. "I do not appreciate when you.... A better way of interacting with me in a constructive way is.... Thanks in advance for considering this next time."
  4. Don't be afraid. Others don't judge you as hard as yourself.
  5. The umbrella vision - one of my mentors taught me this. When someone is bombarding you with their stress / anger / frustration, it is not yours to absorb. Their insults/demands - whatever - can be visualized like raindrops attacing you, but hitting your invisible umbrella that you pull up in front of you. This mental vision has helped me "shake it off like a man". And quicker move on with my day, and let go of the bad comments, and not let it STEAL ENERGY from me.

Basically just remember: it is YOUR DAY in YOUR LIFE. You own YOUR ENERGY. Don't let people steal it through THEIR BAD BEHAVIOR.

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