Welcome to Confident Hannah

An inspiration blog for career women and others who want to live their life to the fullest. Core message of this blog is: don't ever let anyone tell you who you are, own your life, or decide what you can or can't accomplish! Live your life, live your dream.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

To Jump or not to Jump

Some time ago I started a new job. A really exciting position with a smaller company. I am not sure I have come to a true understanding yet what this new job means, but I have a few thoughts to share so far.

It is always hard to make the choice of leaving a secure employment, where you know you are doing a good job and have several years that you can grow and feel safe. However, if you don't feel motivated and inspired, if you don't get energized in your every day, then you must take a moment and have the courage to change your situation. You can't stay put just because it is safe. Your life is passing as you drain your energy on tasks or people that don't stimulate you. You have to ask yourself the question: is this really how I want to spend a third of my life (8+hrs a day)?

I was so nervous at first that I risked everything. Who wouldn't be? A safe income, a great career... But after a few weeks of decision process (these decisions should not be made lightly, as the grass is seldom greener), I came to the conclusion that it was all worth it.

I made the jump. I changed my job. And here I am, trying to take it all in. The new situation, the new products, people, and challenges.

And a conversation from the past with my older sister comes to mind. These words were said in a different context, but are so valid here:

I said: Sure, I'll be scared and nervous again. But I know I will make it. Whatever happens, I know I'll get through it.

My sister said: I can so identify with what you are saying. These words, I think, are a sign of maturing. To see that you are not always ready. Not always on top of things. BUT you do have the tools to tackle new challenges and land on your feet. My husband usually says: Honey, when did it really go bad when you tried your best?

And isn't he right? Isn't our best enough? I will tackle these new assignments with the tools I am equipped with so far. And fight my fear of failure (yes, in spite of all success one still fear failure...). And if I just try my best, I will either win or learn.

I believe we all are born with a good inuition what we need to do. And what the next step is. It is just harder for some to allow themselves to listen to that inner voice.

Don't fear change. Don't fear to jump onto new challenges. It is the chances you don't take that you will regret. Again, and this can't be said enough times, the fear of failure is the one thing that limits your capabilities. We all need to fight our fears, how else will we grow and learn?

Step outside your comfort zone. Listen to your inner voice who knows exactly what you need to do, even if it frightens you. And just JUMP! It will turn out to something really good for you. I promise.

Don't fear the jumps, just plan for the landings.

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